Mumbai Startups List

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ID 559877

Pramod Meena

Founder Aim The Target • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-bombay, Worked at RBI, Parliament of India. Founder of "Wings of Desire India" an NGO

ID 784306

Satyajeet Vishwakarma

Satyajeet Vishwakarma : #Student, #Geek, #AdrenalineJunkie, #Programmer, #Developer, #ExtremeThinker, #Explorer, #Reader,#MindHacker, #CoffeeEnthusiast #Single

ID 792172

Khushal Navani

Associate Software Engineer at Indus Valley Partners, worked on two projects in a short time, dealing with clients overseas and regular one on one interaction.

ID 277330

Rushabh Sanghvi

Founded Democratik Ventures, a community based model for event management in year 2013 which failed eventually, ended up teaching me the most valuable lessons.

ID 753272


MBA in Marketing from Mumbai university, Internship with Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

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